Max, Kelsey, Geneviève and Stefi. We were all located in different countries - Canada, United States, Germany and France.
Seniors are uniquely affected by the pandemic by not being able to get the recurring healthcare they need in person for their safety as well as an influx of people seeking medical attention.
Create a tele-health app to help our seniors get the care they need without the added stress posed to the healthcare system because of the pandemic.
- Seniors 60+
- Likely to have chronic illnesses
- Requires frequent check ups with doctor
- Unfamiliar with tech
- Visits the same doctor who knows their history
In the very early phase of the project, we did some research online about other health solutions and making hypotheses about the type of audience we were designing for.
Proto-persona profile
User Flows
 In this phase, we mapped out all the possible user flows and selected the one we believed most importand to design first.
The sitemap allowed us to validate user flows and have a global vision of the screens needed in our app.
After deciding which user flows and screens we were going to design, we started sketching and wireframing low-fidelity screens. We used Miro to show our outcome and we conducted a short dot-voting session in order to decide which features, ideas, images or screens we were going to use on the final flow.
After this, each one of us did a final flow using all the screens that we voted and meet up to decide how the final flow was going to look like.
High-fidelity wireframes
- I really liked working in group, each one of us contributed in different areas and we wore all different hats throughout the project.
- I would have spend more time on doing interviews to actual people.
- Doing competitive analysis helped us to see what features we could integrate in our designs.
- It was very fun to work with talented designers like them! :)
Next steps
- Test hypotheses about users, needs, product, etc. with more user research
- Perform a moderated usability test with 5-8 users
- Analyse results and according make changes to the prototype

Thanks a lot for reading :)

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